Burnet – Lampasas Chapter
Serving Burnet and Lampasas counties.
Chapter email address: eppbaburnlamp@gmail.com
Dan Brady danbrady75@gmail.com 512-755-4660
Chuck Orr cworrtx@gmail.com 512-924-3078
Mike Watson tmwatson@ptd.net 512-786-9194
Central Basin Chapter
Central Basin PBA
PO Box 1120
Mason, TX 76856
Brian Wright PrescribeBurnCentralBasin@gmail.com 210-414-3044 cell
Frank Brown frankbrown@me.com 907-223-1616 cell
Elizabeth Knostman knostman.elizabeth@gmail.com
Cinco Chapter
Cinco Chapter of EPPBA includes Crockett, Edwards, Sutton, Schleicher and Val Verde counties.
Marcy Epperson epperson@me.com 830-683-7198
Rick Powers rickmpowers@att.net
Bonnie Lou Campbell cblc@sonoratx.net
Cross Timbers Chapter
Cross Timbers Chapter of EPPBA was established in 2007. Cross Timbers proudly serves Hamilton, Coryell and to a lesser extent, surrounding counties. We are neighbors helping neighbors. We are dedicated to responsibly and safely restoring our endangered native grasslands for the benefit of diverse wildlife and livestock and to reduce wildfire risk.
Bill Brooke wfbrooke@gmail.com 512-917-3417
Chase Brooke chase.brooke@ag.tamu.edu
Gillespie Chapter
Gillespie Prescribed Burn Association is a chapter of EPPBA. GPBA focuses on training its members and the community of Gillespie and surrounding counties on burn safety and training for executing prescribed fire.
With neighbor helping neighbor, members work together to help our members to execute prescribed fire safely to meet the objectives of brush management, restore productivity and ecological stability.
We disseminate information to members on workshops, burns, etc. as deemed appropriate.
Allen Ersch agritech@ctesc.net 830-889-2471
James Eberle 830-456-7421
Heart of Texas Chapter
The HOT Chapter of EPPBA serves mainly McCulloch county in prescribed burning. However, we accept membership from those with no active PBA in their county of residence, just to be able to share events and information.
Mark Moseley mosemoseley@gmail.com 210-516-5038
Jeff Kaspar jeffkaspar@centex.net 713-502-8410
Bob Davidson bdavidson@centex.net 281-703-7676
Mills County Chapter
Mills County Chapter email address: millscountypba@gmail.com