The (PBAT) Corporation shall exist for the purpose of promoting the common good and general welfare of the people in Texas by educating, training, and practicing safe prescribed burn techniques that reduce or eliminate fuel load build-up in open spaces, providing fire protection and/or prevention from wild or unexpected fires in and near these burned open spaces. Prescribed burning is a useful tool for improving wildlife habitat and improving quality of vegetation to support native species in open spaces in addition to improving public safety.
PBAT is a 501.c.3 non-profit corporation ​
The Prescribed Burn Alliance of Texas is a coalition of Prescribed Burn Associations across the state. PBAT does not accept individual members. If you are interested in joining a local PBA, please use our Member Associations list to find the nearest PBA in your region.
This publication explains the history and benefits of prescribed burning and provides guidelines and checkpoints for forming a PBA in your area.
To learn more about prescribed burning as a land management practice, or if you need other information, Contact Us.
The Prescribed Burn Alliance of Texas aspires to be a premier organization that significantly impacts the
application of prescribed fire on the Texas landscape.
Our Mission is to support member prescribed burning associations in promoting and protecting
the right of Texas landowners to use prescribed burning as a safe, economical, and effective
management practice.