During the 87th legislative session, the Texas House and Senate passed bills affecting prescribed burning which were signed into law by the Governor.
Effective September 1, 2021
HB 222, HB 2004, SB 703

Texas Natural Resource Code Chapter 153
TNRC establishes the Prescribed Burning Board and the CIPBM certification program
as well as standards for prescribed burning.
Click on the website link above and scroll through the code to find reference to HB 222, HB 2004 and SB 703 and effective date of September 1, 2021
Links to state webpages:
TNRC 153.084 Limitation of Burn Boss Liability
HB 222 Liability of Burn Bosses
Pdf version: view/print/save
HB 222 Liability of Burn Bosses
Texas Department of Agriculture
Prescribed Burning Program webpage:
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)
TCEQ Outdoor Burning Rules:
TCEQ Chapter 111B Control of Air Emissions: